您的账单 & 接受你的援助
的 学生收费办公室 is responsible for billing 和 will assess charges to your student account such as tuition, 费用, 住房, 还有膳食计划. Bills are sent on a monthly basis.
- 首期账单将被发送 8月1日.
- 那张账单的到期日是 8月22日.
最初的账单列出了学费, 费用, 住宿(如住在校园内), any other charges you have for the fall quarter, 和你的 授权 金融援助. In order for aid to be "授权" 和 appear on your bill, it must be 接受 所有要求都完成了. Check your 金融援助 Checklist on your My4D仪表板—any item with an open circle icon next to it requires additional action, 和 the type of aid associated with that requirement will not appear as a credit on your bill until that item is satisfied.
Additional information about billing is available on the 学生收费办公室.
> Video Playlist: Your Tuition Bill